Monday, February 10, 2014


It is finished. 

Those are three of the most important words out there. One must remind themselves that whats done is done. There is no going back in time, one can only move forward.

Things happen in life that I question on a daily basis. I question how people can do the certain things that they do to others. I often wonder the steps that a person needs to take in order to not let themselves be affected by the negative things that happen to them in their life. 

I have recently reconnected with God, and devoting my life to him could not have come at a more perfect time. 

All of my life I have been one to hold grudges against people for their actions, which isn't something that I am proud of. But as I have grown older and have grown closer to God I have realized that that is no way to lead a happy life. In fact, those grudges that I have held have only held me back from truly living. 

There is no explanation for the terrible things that one human can do to another, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. When God closes one door that only means that something better lies ahead. 

Ever since my grandma passed away back in 2010 she has been my guardian angel. She is and always will be my everything. With both God and my grandmas guidance I feel completely protected from evil.

When I say evil, at the moment I am specifically talking about relationships that have gone sour due to the dishonestly of a person within those relationships. 

Relationships: friendships, relationships with a significant other, family, the list could go on. 

Not a single relationship can function when it is one sided. In order to have a strong relationship all parts need to want the same thing ultimately, an unbreakable bond. 

Last week in the sermon at my church we discussed the four components to a strong relationship:

1. Time
2. Effort
3. Assessment
4. Manual

Every relationship needs time put into it. You cannot miraculously have an unbreakable bond with someone if you don't take the time to get to know them and start building that connection.

With that being said, effort plays a huge role as well. In every scenario effort has to be part of life, especially when it comes to relationships. Effort is what drives that relationship, it's what makes the clock tick. 

In any kind of relationship assessing oneself is crucial. Same with assessing certain situations. That way nothing passes by without being noticed. This creates more of a transparent relationship.

In my life my manual is Jesus, I look to him to guide me, just like athletes look at their play book to guide them.

Establishing great relationships takes time. I still have so much to learn, but I have to say that this last weekend has taught me a great deal about myself, as well as a person that I thought I knew so well. 

Better to have little with godliness
than to be rich and dishonest.

We can make our plans, 
but the Lord determines our steps.

Proverbs 16:8-9