Monday, June 18, 2012

Graduation: Class of 2012
Well I cannot even believe that High School is over. Everyone of my classmates are going to go so far in life. I graduated with some of the most amazing young adults in the world. I have learned so much over the last for years, I don't even know where to begin. I have met so many people that have had a huge influence on my life, and I would be no where close to where I am now with out them. During high school there are so many lessons that you will learn it is almost crazy. But the great part of it is, those lessons will lead you to a better future. Lessons with friendships, relationships, school, work, and many other things.

At times it is almost as though life is a blur while you're in high school, especially for me. It wasn't until our class moved our tassels from right to left, that reality hit me. There is no more protection from the outside world. You are now in it, full force. There is no turning back, all that you can do now is move forward. And although it may be scary to some, to me it is the most amazing thing that I have ever felt. I thrive off of experiencing new things, and I cannot wait to begin this next chapter in my life.

I am so unbelievably thankful for the reality check that I got at the beginning of my Senior year. Because of that, I have made so many new close friends, and rebuilt friendships from the past. These friendships are the ones that are going to last a life time. No more of the fake friends crap (but for the record I was never a fake friend to anyone...) but, now it is time to let those fake people go and continue the new and old friendships that are meaningful.

The past four years of my life, have been a roller coaster. But, I couldn't be happier with the outcome! Congratulations Class of 2012. I know that we will all do amazing things in life! I cannot wait to see what our futures have in store for us.

Love Always,
Alicia Nicole

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