Monday, January 23, 2012

Dance is MY Passion

 Dance, is something that I know I can always turn to. It is a way for me to forget about all of the negativity that surrounds me, and for one second realize the wonder gift that  I was given. The talent to dance, tap dance. Every rhythm, and every step tells a story. Just like lyrics in a song. It is a way to express myself, and let my true feelings show. Whether those feelings are anger, sadness, happiness; it all comes out on the dance floor without a word... just a rhythm. You never know how much you need something in your life until it becomes non-existent. But, luckily for me.. I realized that I had let something go  that could never be replaced, not with a single person, or any object. It was irreplaceable. And that was dancing. The past 3 years  I have been doing everything under the sun, leaving no room for dance in my life. I have always been one of those determined people, the type of person that thinks they have to do everything, and not just do it half-assed but it had to be done perfectly. And when you live a life like that, it starts to become stressful, and hard to manage. You start to lose track of what really matters to you and what truly makes you happy. You start to build yourself  up with things that you think other people want you to be or things that other  people want you to love. But, after awhile there is only so much that you can take... and then BOOM.. it hits you just like it hit me. I knew that very second what I had been missing. And  I am happy to say that I have found it, I have gotten back into living the life that I love...dancing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Girlfriends. They are irreplaceable. This weekend was one of the best weekends that I have had in a LONG time. Sometimes you can get so wrapped up in dreams that you think you want but in reality those dreams are things that you will soon wish you had never dreamt. Life throws you curve balls at times, times when you think you cannot handle anything else. But, the beautiful thing about life is that god will never throw anything your way that he doesn't know you can handle. And in my case that was so true. The heart ache, the pain, the suffering, happiness, sadness, anger, the feeling of betrayal.. it all lead me to where I am at, this very second. The strength that I feel is something that could be categorized as super natural. I feel as though I could take on the world at any second of the day with a smile on my face. This is just the beginning of my new life, the life where I will continue to better myself, as well as the world around me. Things happen in life. People come into your life, and people leave your life. In between those moments are learning lessons, and one of the biggest lessons that I have learned in between those moments in my life, are to NEVER put your friends and family  on the back burner. Because they will always be there for you. In happy moments, and sad moments. They will be the rock that holds you together when you are about to fall apart. And those people that have always been there for me, and have never left my side no matter what was going on in their lives... I thank you. Thank you for keeping me strong at my weakest points. I am here to say that now finally I am strong enough to hold myself together, and I am beyond ready for whatever comes my way. DiscoveringMyStrength: a new chapter.
My name is Alicia Cooper, and for the longest time I felt the need to blog about my life. I never knew what blogging entailed, but I did know that it would be a good way to document what has happened in my life. I named my blog DiscoveringME: a new chapter, because just recently I have realized everything I have been missing out on, because of one person. I've come to the conclusion that it was a huge waste of time, yet if I didn't have to go through everything I did, I wouldn't be where I am at in my life right now. My new years resolution is to better myself. Focus on the things that make me happy, and to do things that will make a positive impact on other peoples lives. 2012 is my new chapter, the chapter in my life where I am going to find myself, and discover what it really means to be Alicia Nicole Cooper.