Monday, January 23, 2012

Dance is MY Passion

 Dance, is something that I know I can always turn to. It is a way for me to forget about all of the negativity that surrounds me, and for one second realize the wonder gift that  I was given. The talent to dance, tap dance. Every rhythm, and every step tells a story. Just like lyrics in a song. It is a way to express myself, and let my true feelings show. Whether those feelings are anger, sadness, happiness; it all comes out on the dance floor without a word... just a rhythm. You never know how much you need something in your life until it becomes non-existent. But, luckily for me.. I realized that I had let something go  that could never be replaced, not with a single person, or any object. It was irreplaceable. And that was dancing. The past 3 years  I have been doing everything under the sun, leaving no room for dance in my life. I have always been one of those determined people, the type of person that thinks they have to do everything, and not just do it half-assed but it had to be done perfectly. And when you live a life like that, it starts to become stressful, and hard to manage. You start to lose track of what really matters to you and what truly makes you happy. You start to build yourself  up with things that you think other people want you to be or things that other  people want you to love. But, after awhile there is only so much that you can take... and then BOOM.. it hits you just like it hit me. I knew that very second what I had been missing. And  I am happy to say that I have found it, I have gotten back into living the life that I love...dancing.

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