Sunday, February 5, 2012

Closure Only Leads to a New Chapter

Well all I can say is that I have been so extremely busy lately.. and that is why I haven't had the chance to write. It's been killing me because I have so much to say yet no time to say it! But finally after a relaxing night with the family watching the Super Bowl, I have some downtime. This last week has been life changing for me. And when I say life changing, I mean that the events that took place have made me grow up, and mature a little bit more. I just recently applied for my first job, at Justice! Justice is a clothing store for young/pre-teen girls. I received a call for an interview and I was so ecstatic because I was finally able to step out of my child hood and feel like I was an adult with responsibilities.. I mean technically I'm still a child ;) Anyways, during that interview I couldn't stop thinking about how happy and blessed I was to have been Miss Clark County's Outstanding Teen. Random I know, but during my year of service I had to speak publicly numerous times, and in the past an interview would have scared me to death, but the day of my interview for Justice, I felt so confident in myself. By the end of the week I got a call from the manager offering me the position (so I'm guessing my interview skills weren't to bad (;). The funny thing about that call was that I had been taking a long nap that day and the second I felt my phone buzz I just had that gut feeling that it was the manager calling, so... I jumped up so fast and answered the phone. I'm hoping I didn't sound that tired but with my luck... I bet that was not the case haha! Following that call I scheduled my orientation, I have to say I was a little nervous because I thought I was going into it all alone.. but come to find out, another girl got hired on as well. Her name's Mackenzie! I couldn't have been more excited when I saw her in the manager's office, and I know this sound corny but the second we started talking I could tell we were going to have a lot in common and become really good friends. Come to find out we are pretty much EXACTLY alike :) I swear those orientation videos were the most hilarious things that I had ever seen... Lets just say I'm even excited to be in the stock room after watching those ;) haha. My first day is this Tuesday! I am so excited to finally start working and making some money! Along with the whole job thing, I have just had a really humbling week/weekend. Sometimes it takes bad times, in order to have AMAZING times! And I am so thankful for every second of my life, because it has led me to so many amazing people in my life. I am just sooooo happy to have finally found people that understand me and people that have fun with me! Friends come and go... but BEST friends, they are just like famILY. They stick around no matter what, and are always looking out for each other. Recently I had been going through a rough patch where I was lost in myself.. and I couldn't get out of that groove, the groove of feeling like I was alone.. when in reality I had more people by my side than I had ever even imagined. I am really happy to say that I am out of that funk, and I'm actually really happy again. I have had the best support from my family as well. Family is the best thing in the world because no matter what they are there for you, and no matter where you go in life, you will always have them right by your side. But, to sum things up.. I am just ecstatic to see where life takes me from here! I know deep down that no matter where I go, god will be there to watch over me and put me in the right direction... and no matter what learning lessons are about to come my way, I know that he will be there to help me through it, just like he always has. God is love <3 and I LOVE LIFE.

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