Monday, February 10, 2014


It is finished. 

Those are three of the most important words out there. One must remind themselves that whats done is done. There is no going back in time, one can only move forward.

Things happen in life that I question on a daily basis. I question how people can do the certain things that they do to others. I often wonder the steps that a person needs to take in order to not let themselves be affected by the negative things that happen to them in their life. 

I have recently reconnected with God, and devoting my life to him could not have come at a more perfect time. 

All of my life I have been one to hold grudges against people for their actions, which isn't something that I am proud of. But as I have grown older and have grown closer to God I have realized that that is no way to lead a happy life. In fact, those grudges that I have held have only held me back from truly living. 

There is no explanation for the terrible things that one human can do to another, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. When God closes one door that only means that something better lies ahead. 

Ever since my grandma passed away back in 2010 she has been my guardian angel. She is and always will be my everything. With both God and my grandmas guidance I feel completely protected from evil.

When I say evil, at the moment I am specifically talking about relationships that have gone sour due to the dishonestly of a person within those relationships. 

Relationships: friendships, relationships with a significant other, family, the list could go on. 

Not a single relationship can function when it is one sided. In order to have a strong relationship all parts need to want the same thing ultimately, an unbreakable bond. 

Last week in the sermon at my church we discussed the four components to a strong relationship:

1. Time
2. Effort
3. Assessment
4. Manual

Every relationship needs time put into it. You cannot miraculously have an unbreakable bond with someone if you don't take the time to get to know them and start building that connection.

With that being said, effort plays a huge role as well. In every scenario effort has to be part of life, especially when it comes to relationships. Effort is what drives that relationship, it's what makes the clock tick. 

In any kind of relationship assessing oneself is crucial. Same with assessing certain situations. That way nothing passes by without being noticed. This creates more of a transparent relationship.

In my life my manual is Jesus, I look to him to guide me, just like athletes look at their play book to guide them.

Establishing great relationships takes time. I still have so much to learn, but I have to say that this last weekend has taught me a great deal about myself, as well as a person that I thought I knew so well. 

Better to have little with godliness
than to be rich and dishonest.

We can make our plans, 
but the Lord determines our steps.

Proverbs 16:8-9

Monday, May 13, 2013

Long Time No Post: What is your PASSION?

Well it's been awhile since I last posted and there have been a lot of changes in my life. I've always found it extremely important to stay true to myself no matter what life throws my way. I try to encourage others to chase their dreams, and do the things that make them happy. It's important in life that you always try to leave somewhat of a mark on each thing that you do; whether that is accomplishing something that you never thought you could or truly impacting someone else's life.

I am constantly impacted by the people that surround me. What I have most recently learned, is the true importance of communicating. When communication is lacking in any kind of relationship, the ending result is never good. One person could be thinking that everything is going smoothly, while the other person feels the exact opposite. Without proper communication those issues can't be solved in a professional manner. My advice to you reader is this, make sure that if you have an issue with someone that you communicate it to them directly.

Don't play some telephone game that twists words around. Respect the person the might be doing something that you don't like and let them know what that thing is so that they have a chance to fix it, WITHOUT unnecessary drama taking place. I don't know one person that has the time for any kind of drama. Do us all a favor and try to be a mature adult by just communicating. That's all I ask.

There are so many other
p o s i t i v e things that we all could be focusing on, on a day to day basis. For example, the things that we are individually passionate about and how we show others that passion.

I'd like to know: What are you passionate about, and how do you express that passion?

Please leave a comment below answering the above question. I would really like to learn more about "what makes your world go round".

Monday, June 18, 2012

Graduation: Class of 2012
Well I cannot even believe that High School is over. Everyone of my classmates are going to go so far in life. I graduated with some of the most amazing young adults in the world. I have learned so much over the last for years, I don't even know where to begin. I have met so many people that have had a huge influence on my life, and I would be no where close to where I am now with out them. During high school there are so many lessons that you will learn it is almost crazy. But the great part of it is, those lessons will lead you to a better future. Lessons with friendships, relationships, school, work, and many other things.

At times it is almost as though life is a blur while you're in high school, especially for me. It wasn't until our class moved our tassels from right to left, that reality hit me. There is no more protection from the outside world. You are now in it, full force. There is no turning back, all that you can do now is move forward. And although it may be scary to some, to me it is the most amazing thing that I have ever felt. I thrive off of experiencing new things, and I cannot wait to begin this next chapter in my life.

I am so unbelievably thankful for the reality check that I got at the beginning of my Senior year. Because of that, I have made so many new close friends, and rebuilt friendships from the past. These friendships are the ones that are going to last a life time. No more of the fake friends crap (but for the record I was never a fake friend to anyone...) but, now it is time to let those fake people go and continue the new and old friendships that are meaningful.

The past four years of my life, have been a roller coaster. But, I couldn't be happier with the outcome! Congratulations Class of 2012. I know that we will all do amazing things in life! I cannot wait to see what our futures have in store for us.

Love Always,
Alicia Nicole

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Senior Year.
My oh my has the last 4 years flown by fast. I cannot even begin to grasp the fact that I will be graduating this year. Speaking of a new chapter.. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for me as well as all of my friends in my class. I know that it is kind of early in the year to be talking about the whole graduating topic, but I think it is really important for people to stop and think about what is going on around them, and realize that time does fly, so you can't take anything for granite, you must always live each day to the fullest. Unfortunately a few of my high school years are a blur of pure craziness. But that crap that I went through has made me realize that I need to live up the rest of my senior year. And no "living up my senior year" doesn't mean partying every weekend. But, it does mean that I will do my very best to leave a good reputation behind so that after I graduate, people will remember all of the great things about me, instead of the bad. I hope to change those peoples opinions that think of me in a negative light. Because I never meant to hurt anyone or leave a bad impression of anyone. I am so thankful for everyone that I have met through the life process they call "high school". I don't know if I would call it the BEST four years of my life.. but, they were pretty unforgettable. I am just glad that I have time left to continue making those memories.

Tonight was the last cheer banquet that I will attend, I can't believe that high school cheer is over! I have had so much fun with those ladies over the past four years, and we have made some great memories together. I believe that way to many people have portrayed high school cheerleaders the wrong way. No, we are not all bitches and into the drama. But, if I had to say one thing about us cheerleaders, it would be that we are FAMILY. I know that I could go to each and every one of my cheer sisters and they would be there for me to support me 100%. Of course there have been ups and downs between us, but if you don't have any downs in a relationship there is nothing to build off of it to make the relationship stronger. I am so very thankful to have had the opportunity to be a school wide leader through the cheer program. It has taught me so many things, and I wouldn't be the same person today without it! So thank you cheer fam bam, for being my rock through high school. <3 you girls!

 I am proud to say that I have asked a pretty amazing guy to tolo, and we are going to have a blast. I can just tell that we have great memories to be made. This weekend I am headed to Puyallup, WA, to watch my BFF give up her title as Miss Pierce County's Outstanding Teen 2011. I am so proud of her, with everything that she has accomplished. In my opinion she has been the best MPCOT ever! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by, we are both going to be "normal" after Saturday! It will definitely be time to celebrate her amazing year of service! I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for her.

Well... as of now that is about it! Stay tuned for upcoming blog updates. I have some interesting upcoming events that I know I will have a lot to blog about! :)

L.O.V.E.  Alicia Nicole

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Closure Only Leads to a New Chapter

Well all I can say is that I have been so extremely busy lately.. and that is why I haven't had the chance to write. It's been killing me because I have so much to say yet no time to say it! But finally after a relaxing night with the family watching the Super Bowl, I have some downtime. This last week has been life changing for me. And when I say life changing, I mean that the events that took place have made me grow up, and mature a little bit more. I just recently applied for my first job, at Justice! Justice is a clothing store for young/pre-teen girls. I received a call for an interview and I was so ecstatic because I was finally able to step out of my child hood and feel like I was an adult with responsibilities.. I mean technically I'm still a child ;) Anyways, during that interview I couldn't stop thinking about how happy and blessed I was to have been Miss Clark County's Outstanding Teen. Random I know, but during my year of service I had to speak publicly numerous times, and in the past an interview would have scared me to death, but the day of my interview for Justice, I felt so confident in myself. By the end of the week I got a call from the manager offering me the position (so I'm guessing my interview skills weren't to bad (;). The funny thing about that call was that I had been taking a long nap that day and the second I felt my phone buzz I just had that gut feeling that it was the manager calling, so... I jumped up so fast and answered the phone. I'm hoping I didn't sound that tired but with my luck... I bet that was not the case haha! Following that call I scheduled my orientation, I have to say I was a little nervous because I thought I was going into it all alone.. but come to find out, another girl got hired on as well. Her name's Mackenzie! I couldn't have been more excited when I saw her in the manager's office, and I know this sound corny but the second we started talking I could tell we were going to have a lot in common and become really good friends. Come to find out we are pretty much EXACTLY alike :) I swear those orientation videos were the most hilarious things that I had ever seen... Lets just say I'm even excited to be in the stock room after watching those ;) haha. My first day is this Tuesday! I am so excited to finally start working and making some money! Along with the whole job thing, I have just had a really humbling week/weekend. Sometimes it takes bad times, in order to have AMAZING times! And I am so thankful for every second of my life, because it has led me to so many amazing people in my life. I am just sooooo happy to have finally found people that understand me and people that have fun with me! Friends come and go... but BEST friends, they are just like famILY. They stick around no matter what, and are always looking out for each other. Recently I had been going through a rough patch where I was lost in myself.. and I couldn't get out of that groove, the groove of feeling like I was alone.. when in reality I had more people by my side than I had ever even imagined. I am really happy to say that I am out of that funk, and I'm actually really happy again. I have had the best support from my family as well. Family is the best thing in the world because no matter what they are there for you, and no matter where you go in life, you will always have them right by your side. But, to sum things up.. I am just ecstatic to see where life takes me from here! I know deep down that no matter where I go, god will be there to watch over me and put me in the right direction... and no matter what learning lessons are about to come my way, I know that he will be there to help me through it, just like he always has. God is love <3 and I LOVE LIFE.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dance is MY Passion

 Dance, is something that I know I can always turn to. It is a way for me to forget about all of the negativity that surrounds me, and for one second realize the wonder gift that  I was given. The talent to dance, tap dance. Every rhythm, and every step tells a story. Just like lyrics in a song. It is a way to express myself, and let my true feelings show. Whether those feelings are anger, sadness, happiness; it all comes out on the dance floor without a word... just a rhythm. You never know how much you need something in your life until it becomes non-existent. But, luckily for me.. I realized that I had let something go  that could never be replaced, not with a single person, or any object. It was irreplaceable. And that was dancing. The past 3 years  I have been doing everything under the sun, leaving no room for dance in my life. I have always been one of those determined people, the type of person that thinks they have to do everything, and not just do it half-assed but it had to be done perfectly. And when you live a life like that, it starts to become stressful, and hard to manage. You start to lose track of what really matters to you and what truly makes you happy. You start to build yourself  up with things that you think other people want you to be or things that other  people want you to love. But, after awhile there is only so much that you can take... and then BOOM.. it hits you just like it hit me. I knew that very second what I had been missing. And  I am happy to say that I have found it, I have gotten back into living the life that I love...dancing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Girlfriends. They are irreplaceable. This weekend was one of the best weekends that I have had in a LONG time. Sometimes you can get so wrapped up in dreams that you think you want but in reality those dreams are things that you will soon wish you had never dreamt. Life throws you curve balls at times, times when you think you cannot handle anything else. But, the beautiful thing about life is that god will never throw anything your way that he doesn't know you can handle. And in my case that was so true. The heart ache, the pain, the suffering, happiness, sadness, anger, the feeling of betrayal.. it all lead me to where I am at, this very second. The strength that I feel is something that could be categorized as super natural. I feel as though I could take on the world at any second of the day with a smile on my face. This is just the beginning of my new life, the life where I will continue to better myself, as well as the world around me. Things happen in life. People come into your life, and people leave your life. In between those moments are learning lessons, and one of the biggest lessons that I have learned in between those moments in my life, are to NEVER put your friends and family  on the back burner. Because they will always be there for you. In happy moments, and sad moments. They will be the rock that holds you together when you are about to fall apart. And those people that have always been there for me, and have never left my side no matter what was going on in their lives... I thank you. Thank you for keeping me strong at my weakest points. I am here to say that now finally I am strong enough to hold myself together, and I am beyond ready for whatever comes my way. DiscoveringMyStrength: a new chapter.